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    File permission is most important while you making your project live. because if you give file permission 777 means anyone can read-write-execute your file. this is the thing hacker might want and add the hacky script on your file and steal your users' data whoever runs that file.
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    Today I'll share my knowledge in laravel localization. setting up a multi-language site is not an easy task. somehow laravel makes it very easy for you. so let's dive into further in laravel localization.
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    If you're seeing the Illegal mix of collations error in MySQL, it's likely due to comparing two strings of incompatible collation or attempting to select data of different collation into a combined column. In this article, we'll explore some solutions to this error, including changing the database, table, and column collation, using the COLLATE clause, and the BINARY operator. Follow these steps to fix the Illegal mix of collations error in MySQL and get your database back up and running.
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    To clear cache in laravel login to terminal using ssh and cd too larvel root directory. this tutorial will help you to clear your cache and which cache will removed.
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    In this article we are not going to learn how to set up laravel and MySQL etc.. we directly start with how to integrate datatable with server-side rendering.
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    Lumen micro framework is a lightweight version of Laravel full-stack framework. Lumen use the Laravel syntax and components and can be 'upgrade' easily to Laravel.
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    There are lots of other tools than google analytics though, GA is good for basic, we are going to see other analytics tools/platform which gives you a better solution for your website. since we know about google analytics tools. so, I am not going to tell here these are honorable mentions by my team.